Heritage Hall
Moss Bay Co-Chair Mark Eliasen called the meeting to order. We had a great turnout with over 60 people in attendance. Ellen Miller-Wolfe, Kirkland's Economic Development Manager, was our first guest. Ellen reported that 300,000 sq ft of office space is under development in Kirkland and 150,000 sq ft is in the permitting stage. The proposal by Touchstone Corp. to redevelop Park Place is in design review and a drawing of the proposed center is available on the city web site. (see letter from Planning Dept. below) Ellen also mentioned that King County is looking into a Ferry District that could serve Kirkland with a passenger-only ferry route to the University of Washington. Andy Loos, Development Manager for SRM Development, told us that the Google Campus at the former Sauder Door Property on 6th St. S. is scheduled to be occupied starting July '08. It will be a phased occupancy with all 3 buildings to be in use by the end of the summer. The office space can support about 700 workers. Merrill Gardens, which is now under construction on Kirkland Ave., will include 116 assisted living units, with completion scheduled for November 2008. Andy mentioned that the SRM project at the corner of State St. and Second Ave S will start construction by November. It will consist of 37,000 sq ft of office with 125 parking spaces. It will completed by early 2009. A new project is being proposed by SRM at the downtown Bank of America site on Kirkland Ave. and Lake St. It will consist of a 5 story building that will house 70 units of senior apartment-style housing. The units will be affiliated with Merrill Gardens, but residents will live independently. At the ground level, Bank of America will be the lead tenant with additional space for other retail. Cindy Zech, Moss Bay's liaison to the Parks Board, reported on Park news. The Heritage Park tennis courts, garden area and parking lot are near completion. A new Dockmaster has collected over $70,000 in moorage fees this summer. Check the city of Kirkland web site for park programs http://www.ci.kirkland.wa.us/depart/parks.htm Kari Page, Kirkland's Neighborhood Services Coordinator announced the Neighborhood Connections Program. This year it is Moss Bay's turn to decide on a project or projects that will be funded by the city. This is the rotating program that grants neighborhoods $25,000 every 3 years. Projects are proposed by citizens and voted on. Suggestions can be submitted via the city web site. Kari will present the ideas at the next MBNA meeting and voting will occur in January 2008. Carolyn Hayek reported on the Downtown Advisory Committee (DAC) which will be putting together a new vision statement at its next meeting at the maintenance center. Carolyn is also on the Planning Commission which is considering the Park Place Private Amendment Request (PAR) along with 2 others east of Park Place. The City's innovative housing rules are being called "Cottage, Carriage and Multiplex Housing", and will be discussed at a Planning Commission public hearing on Oct. 11, 7PM. Time will tell how developers utilize the new rules. The Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan is not scheduled to be revised for several years. Follow Up to the Meeting Email Received from Janice Soloff, Senior Planner, City of Kirkland: Here is the link for the public to view development project packets going to the Design Review Board (DRB) and Hearing Examiner. Usually the packets are up on the internet the week before the public meeting or hearing. Or the public can always come into the Planning Department 8-5 to view the official project files. http://www.ci.kirkland.wa.us/depart/Planning/DRB_Meeting_Information.htm Here is a summary of the information we discussed on the phone regarding the Camwest PUD and SRM Development project preliminarily planned at the Bank of America site. BofA Site: SRM Development just came in today for a pre-submittal meeting for a 5 story retail and assisted living project at the Bank of America site at 101 Kirkland Avenue. SRM is tentatively scheduled to go to the DRB on October 1 for the 1st step of the design review process, a conceptual design conference. Since the application has not been submitted yet I don’t have a file number. The DRB will determine if the project meets the decision criteria to allow the additional stories above the 2nd story. The 2nd step is the Design Response Conference tentatively scheduled for November 19th where the architectural plans will be more defined. The Board will allow for public comments at the November 17th meeting. Public comments on the project can be addressed to the Design Review Board in care of me at the Planning Department (it should state the file number). Both of the above dates are subject to change. The DRB makes the final decision on this project. Camwest PUD and Historic Overlay at 400 State St They are proposing 24 new detached single family condominium units, to relocate and restore the Nettleton house on the SW corner of the site and retain clusters of trees. The plans may be viewed at the Planning Dept. by requesting to see File No. ZON07-00022. The application goes to the Hearing Examiner on October 17 for a public hearing, then City Council for final decision (no meeting has been set yet). Public comments on the project may be submitted anytime to the Hearing Examiner in care of me or at the public hearing. Janice Soloff Senior Planner City of Kirkland Planning and Community Development 425-587-3257 [email protected] www.ci.kirkland.wa.us Comments are closed.