Fast-forward to the timestamps below if you are interested in a specific topic.
Send Us Your Feedback How did the online meeting work for you? Send us your feedback at [email protected].
Our second fully virtual meeting!
Send us Your Feedback How did the online meeting work for you? Send us your feedback at [email protected].
Kirkland has posted a video of its June 4th workshop on the NE 85th St Station Area Plan. In the video city staff and consultants explain some ideas for how the city might redevelop the area the area around the BRT station being built at I-405 and NE 8th St, and community members talk about their hopes and desires for the area's future.
Learn more and provide your own feedback by June 16th in the city's online open house.
May was our first ever completely virtual meeting!
Agenda Fast-forward to the timestamps below if you are interested in a specific topic.
Officer Elections May is the month when we do our annual election of officers to the Moss Bay board. Normally we would vote in-person at the meeting. Instead, this year we'll be sending a survey out to our email list later this week which you can use to register your vote. Here are the people running for officer positions:
Send us your Feedback How did the online meeting work for you? Let us know by emailing us at [email protected].
Since we weren't able to meet in March we're bringing some of the content to you online. Thank you to everyone for social distancing! We'll get through this together.
Big Changes Coming to Our Public Transit In this two part video series our co-chair Brad talks about big changes coming to our neighborhood's public transit on March 21st.
The first video focuses on what's changing with the 255 and what you need to know to take public transit to downtown after 3/21.
In the second video we learn what's changing with the bus routes from downtown Kirkland to Juanita, Totem Lake, Kenmore, Bothell, Woodinville, Redmond and Bellevue. The end of the video also covers two future projects coming in 2024: RapidRide K Line and Swift BRT.
You can find more info on the King County Metro website.
Join the Moss Bay Board We're looking for volunteers interested in helping run the Moss Bay Neighborhood Association. In this video our co-chair Brad talks about what it means to be a board member and what kind of work board members do.
Interested? Let us know in the comments or send us an email at [email protected].
Stay Safe and Let Us Know If This Is Helpful Are these videos helpful for you? Let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. We're looking into options for live streaming completely virtual meetings in the future and hope to have more to share by our May meeting. Our January meeting was cancelled due to snow. We're working on bringing you some of the same great presentations in March. See you then!