Heritage Hall
Mark Masterson called to order our first meeting in the newly renovated Heritage Hall. Mark mentioned that our association "paver" had been installed in the front walkway to the hall with our new logo. We will be holding our neighborhood meetings at Heritage Hall from now on, as it is a perfect location and building for us. Our first speakers were Jessica Greenway and Jeff Clark, two candidates running to fill the retiring Sants Contreras' seat on the Kirkland City Council. Jessica , a current planning commission member, mentioned her qualifications and aspirations for Kirkland. Jeff mentioned that he grew up in Kirkland and has worked for and now owns an architectural firm. Jeff's hot issues are traffic congestion, efficiencies in city spending, and economic development. The primary election is Sept. 16. Danielle Sanine was on hand to tell us about the upcoming "Seniors Healthy Living Expo" to he held on Oct. 18, 2003 a the Kirkland Community Senior Center. For more information, visit the the City of Kirkland web site at http://www.ci.kirkland.wa.us/depart/parks/pdfs/fall/boomers.pdf . Larry Martin of the Justen Company, is part of a team the city has working to come up with a proposal to redevelop the corner of Lake Street and Central Way, a parcel now occupied by a public parking lot. A pedestrian friendly project is envisioned with possibly one floor of retail and 3 floors residential above, with parking in the basement. For more info or to make suggestions for the site, email Larry at [email protected] Kirkland City Council Person Mary Alyce Burleigh was on hand and mentioned that the site is currently underutilized as parking lot, since it is considered "ground zero" or the main intersection in town. Ellen McMahon mentioned that a continuous retail strip might draw more shoppers to Kirkland, rather than isolated stores surrounded by non-retail uses. Don Winters spoke about the newly formed group, Eastside Friends of Lake Washington, which was formed in opposition to the the Seattle Parks Dept. plans to build eleven lighted sports fields at Magnuson Park. Don mentioned how the group has presented their case before the City Council and would continue to do so. For more information and to download and sign a petition against this project visit their web site www.eastsidefriends.org Mark Masterson spoke about the matching grant program and how we need projects to receive funds. Ellen McMahon mentioned that we could buy yard signs to advertise our meetings, and could also make up a mailing list for the neighborhood to send out information, in the hopes of increasing attendance at our meetings. Mark also mentioned the KAN (Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods) meeting he recently attended and the issues of interest that were brought up there. Our next meeting will be November 17, 2003 at Heritage Hall. Comments are closed.