Don Winters called the meeting to order. We had a turnout of about 60 members. Melinda O'Rourke brought delicious cookies she baked at home. City Council Member Toby Nixon was in attendance.
Our first guest was Jim Neal of Talon Private Capital. Talon is teaming with Prudential Insurance, the owner of Park Place, to redevelop the site after a previous attempt by Touchstone did not go forward. The new plans are for 650,000 square feet of office space, 300,000 square feet of apartment space in 250 units, and 210,000 square feet of retail and entertainment on the 11-acre property. Compared to the Touchstone plan, the changes include a 50 percent reduction in office space, the addition of multi-family housing and the elimination of a previously approved hotel. Before the master plan can be approved by the Kirkland City Council, however, Talon must seek zoning changes to accommodate the amount of apartment space, approximately 30 percent of the total. Current zoning allows for only 10 percent. There will be a new QFC, and an 8 screen movie complex. Building height will range up to 8 stories. Plans also sets aside two acres of open space and plazas. Goal is to start by March 2016, with about 20 months of construction. Scott and Michelle Holm told us about their plans to open a craft brewery, Chainline Brewing, on 6th St. S., north of the Google Phase I campus. The space will back up to the Cross Kirkland Corridor and an outside deck accessible from the trail will be available to sample the beer. The beer will be brewed using a Czech 10 hectoliter brewing system they found on the island of Kochi in southern Japan. Their beers will range from Wit beers and stouts to IPAs. They have set up a Kickstarter campaign to help them with cost overuns encountered when building their deck over city utilities. If you would like to contribute follow this link. They hope to open for business in January. City of Kirkland planner Jeremy McMahan briefed us on the Moss Bay Neighborhood Plan update. Our Neighborhood Plan, part of Kirkland's Comprehensive Plan, hasn't been updated in years. It is now undergoing an "interim update". Here is a link to the suggested edits so far. If you have comments or suggestions, send them to Jeremy at [email protected] and copy Don Winters at [email protected] The comments should be submitted by Dec 8, 2014 in order to be considered for incorporation into the update. If you would like to meet with the Moss Bay board on the edits, contact Don about that also. Kari Page, Kirkland's Neighborhood Services Coordinator, gave us a PowerPoint and discussion of the Neighborhood Safety Program. The City may fund up to two safety-related projects of our choosing in Moss Bay, costing up to $50,000. This can be a crosswalk, walkway, bicycle lane or similar. We need to choose one or two projects by Dec 15 and get our application in by Feb 9, 2015. Aimee Voelz is our MBNA point person for this program. Kari also mentioned that the Park Lane renovation is getting close. The public can meet with the project contractors on January 8, at two times, either 10AM or 6PM at the Kirkland Libary. Bea Nahon, our rep to the Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods (KAN) reminded us that the City’s Neighborhood Matching Grant applications are due soon and we are eligible to apply for approximately $3,000 for a project that would help our neighborhood. Please see the website for more info about this program and what items qualify. We will need to vote on our desired project at our January 2015 meeting so if you are interested in working with the Board on this process, please contact Don Winters at [email protected]. She also let us know that the City Council will be considering the initial report from its Parking Study (regarding downtown parking) in January, and they will also be considering the proposed changes which would reduce parking requirements for multi-family housing. KAN will also be having a joint meeting with the Park Board on December 10 to discuss the proposed Aquatic and Recreation Community Center and the siting process. She also let us know that KAN held its elections and the new Co-Chairs are Lisa McConnell (Central Houghton) and Bea Nahon, and Secretary is Karen Story (Highlands) Bea also noted that there’s a “For Sale” sign on the Antique Mall site – for more information, see Jeanne Large mentioned that she is part of a group trying to organize a "Solarize Kirkland" chapter of Solarize Washington. The goal is to install solar panels that can power a building and be sold back to the electric company. Jeanne also mentioned Styrofest, a program through which you can recycle styrofoam and other plastic packaging materials. The event takes place at the Kirkland Public Works Maintenance Center parking lot, 915 8th St., every 4th weekend of most months, starting Friday at 5PM and ending Monday at 6AM. Our next meeting will be Jan 19, 2015 7PM at Heritage Hall, 203 Market. St. Comments are closed.