Heritage Hall
Mark Masterson called the meeting to order. Mark mentioned that he is moving out of the area and won't be able to remain in his position as chairperson of the MBNA. We will need a new Chairperson and other officers. Nominations are welcome. Don Winters reported on the Magnuson Park lighting issue -- Seattle's plans to install 640,000 watts of lighting at 11 new play fields at Sand Point. Don mentioned that the group "Eastside Friends of Lake Washington" has been busy working to head off this project, which they feel will cause unacceptable light pollution on the lake and in Kirkland. Several newly elected city officials, including Jessica Greenway in Kirkland and Tom Rasmussen in Seattle are concerned about the impact of the project, which could help. Mark Masterson mentioned the Matching Grant program and how we are eligible for $3500 in money from the city for projects we undertake. Our web site, a picnic, and landscaping for our neighborhood sign were some items mentioned. Further suggestions are welcome. Glenn Peterson, our liaison with KAN (Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods), reported on meetings with that group. Glenn mentioned that Bellevue now has a neighborhood mediation service that they have made available to Kirkland residents. Also, Kirkland will have new garbage and recycling services starting Dec 1 that can be checked out at the Waste Management web site http://www.wmnorthwest.com/kirkland/ Glenn gave us a brief update on the Downtown Strategic Plan. Kirkland City Manager Dave Ramsay was our next guest. Dave gave his "state of the city" talk, which he does once a year for our group. He discussed many issues, including the Magnuson Park issue (he thinks mitigation might be possible, but not a scaling down or elimination of the fields), the Marina Park restroom, which is about to be constructed, the "white ship", which hopefully will be leaving, as Westwater Real Estate has plans to rebuild the marina and install a breakwater by next summer. A new hotel will be built at 3rd Street and Kirkland Ave. in the near future, and a project is in the planning stages to build a large grocery with residential above and parking below at the corner of Lake Street and Central Way. The Central Way "calming" proposal, possibly eliminating a lane of traffic, might be implemented along with sewer work planned for 2005. The new transit center planned for the old Kirkland Hardware site, and the "75 State Street" project, are both waiting to start. The Transit Center needs rezoning, which has met some opposition. Kari Page, Kirkland's Neighborhood Services Coordinator, mentioned that our neighborhood sign will be installed at the corner of State Street and 68th St. by the end of the year. The Brink Park sidewalk is under construction now, and the new lights for the dock will be installed in the next few weeks. Carolyn Hayek, of our association and a Kirkland Planning Commission member, mentioned an opening on the planning commission. Carolyn also mentioned that her residence, Plaza on State, will be undergoing a four million dollar renovation this winter. She has a new location for her business also, which can be visited at www.kirklandplaza.com Detective Gary Eggleston of the Kirkland Police Dept. was the final speaker. Gary filled us in on two registered sex offenders who have been released and are living in Kirkland. Both live in Juanita and are considered likely to reoffend. Gary briefed us on how sex offenders are handled by the department and the various ways a community can protect themselves from these people. Our next meeting will be January 19, 2004 at Heritage Hall. This is tentative at this tme. Comments are closed.