Don Winters called the meeting to order. We had a turnout of about 40 members.
Karen Kitsis, Sound Transit Senior Planning & Project Development Manager, was our first guest. Karen showed us the existing Sound Transit system as well as the planned extensions that will come in the 3rd wave of development called ST3. The average tax increase for ST3 will be about $200 per household. There is a study planned for the Cross Kirkland Corridor, but no current plans for transit on the trail. A light rail line from Bellevue to the South Kirkland Park and Ride is being considered as part of ST3. Seth! Leary, Education Director of Kirkland Arts Center, cleared up some of the mystery surrounding that organization. The Center has been located in the historic 1889 Peter Kirk building on Market St. since 1962. The art gallery at the Center is open to he public and is free of charge. There are five art shows put on per year. The Center offers 65 classes per quarter in ceramics, oil, acrylic, water color, print making, photography, 3D animation, drawing and jewelry. They hold their Art Beat Gala every October, a major fund raising auction. Kari Page updated us on Kirkland's Neighborhood Safety Program. Kari outlined the 2016 program projects. Moss Bay's two projects, stairs to the Cross Kirkland Corridor at the Corner 2nd Ave and 10th Street, and a crosswalk entrance to Marina Park from the south side of Kirkland Ave, have been approved for funding and should be completed in 2017. Aimee Voelz told us that Leadership Eastside has launched a civic incubator program to address issues on the Eastside. Aimee is participating in the Affordable Housing Committee. Election were held for the officers of the Moss Bay Neighborhood Association. Don Winters announced that he is retiring after 13 years as co-chair. Two new co-chairs, Dan Ryan and Aimee Voelz, were unanimously elected. Bea Nahon was elected as secretary, and Leslie Keller, who has been treasurer since 1997, was re-elected. Don Winters gave a brief update on development projects in Moss Bay. A new project in the works is Areté II, which would be located at 330 4th St. It would be a mix of office, apartments and residential suites (sometimes known as apodments), with 70 residential units. Robert Pantley is the developer. Robert's Areté on Central Way, a 290 unit complex, was recently completed. Our next meeting will be September 19, 2016. Comments are closed.