Heritage Hall
Moss Bay Co-Chair Mark Eliasen called the meeting to order. Dave Ramsay, Kirkland's City Manager for the past ten years, was on hand to give his "Walk around Kirkland" presentation. Annexation is on the front burner, a process which could take place as soon as 2009-10. Kirkland would grow to 80,000 people from the current 45,000. Kirkland has a structural gap between projected revenues and expenses and Dave believes that Annexation, with its economies of scale, actually helps close this gap, though an eventual hike in taxes could be necessary. Dave mentioned that Parks projects funded by the 2002 park bond have been completed.
The next phase of Juanita Village development will get underway soon. In Downtown, the new Heathman Hotel is highly anticipated and should open by July. Merrill Gardens, an assisted living facility on Kirkland Ave., should get underway this summer as well. Dave mentioned that there is some talk that the Antique Mall redevelopment is being planned. More pay parking may be in the works for downtown. The Strategic Plan for downtown will be reviewed by the newly formed Downtown Advisory Committee and the City is still looking for volunteers to serve on it. To learn more check out the City's web site http://www.ci.kirkland.wa.us/depart/Planning/Code_Updates/Downtown_Strategic_Plan_Update.htm The city would like some feedback on the bar scene and how the new police tactics are working to curb the rowdiness downtown -- police Lt. Rex Caldwell is in charge. Park Place master plan is not being implemented at this time and the Marina Park Lakeshore Plaza is not moving forward at this time, due to a lack of support from all merchants in the Marina Park area. Patty Henry of the Domestic Abuse Response Team (DART) was our next guest. Patty's group works with the Kirkland Police to help women who are victims of this offense. DART gets about 500 calls for help each year in Kirkland and need volunteers to man the phones and go into the field to help victims (not in dangerous situations). If interested in volunteering, contact Patty at [email protected] Our next meeting will be held May 21, 2007 Comments are closed.