Kirkland Library Meeting Room Laura Lee Pritt called the meeting to order. Kari Page, Kirkland's Neighborhood Services Coordinator, presented the results of the voting on the Neighborhood Connections Program and the projects that won the voting to receive funding. The project receiving the most votes was expansion of the downtown flower pot program by the addition of 20 pots along Park Lane. No 2 in the voting was the connection of the sidewalk along Lake Washington Boulevard to the waterfront walkway at the north end of Brink Park. Money would also be available to fund No 4 in the voting, replacing light fixtures at Brink Park. These projects will now go forward. The next topic of discussion was ideas for our Matching Grant money, $3500 in matching funds to do work in the neighborhood. Some ideas were floated, such as installing benches near our neighborhood sign at the corner of 68th St. NE and State St., once the new right turn lane at that intersection is installed (probably this summer). A discussion took place concerning designs for our neighborhood logo. Several preliminary designs were submitted by the designer and we picked elements from several and voted to approve a new design to be finalized by our next meeting. We discussed the lighted playfields being built at Magnuson Park in Seattle. See the minutes our January meeting for details. Mark Eliasen proposed and Don Winters seconded a motion to endorse the Friends of Magnuson Park (, a group opposed to the scope of the lighting. The motion passed and we will be notifying that group and the City of Kirkland of our position. City Councilperson Dave Asher was on hand and mentioned that, at this point, the project will be built and that mitigation of the effects of the lights would be the best option to persue. Laura Lee Pritt is moving out of the area and will be stepping down as chairperson of the association. Leslie Keller nominated Mark Masterson for the position, Glenn Peterson seconded, and Mark was unanimously elected by a show of hands. Congratulations, Mark! Glenn also commended Laura Lee for a job well done, another unanimous sentiment. She has served as chairperson for three years and done an excellent job. Mr. Peterson has agreed to take on the task of being our liaison with KAN (Kirkland Alliance of Neighborhoods), and KDL (Kirkland Downtown on the Lake). He will be contacting Ellen McMahon, our former representative to these groups. Sue Peterson, Promotions Chairperson for KDL, was on hand. She wants to improve communication between our groups and with the general public. We agreed to distribute info from KDL via our email list and on our web site. The meeting was adjourned Comments are closed.