Moss Bay Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes June 14, 2001 Kirkland Library John Alberti called the meeting to order. Our first guest was Robin Paster, Community Education and Information specialist for the Kirkland Fire Department. Robin briefed us on the 4th of July and what we might do to keep things under control. Two years ago the city adopted a ban on fireworks, which has resulted in a decrease in injuries reported in town. The Fire Dept. will be placing posters in high schools showing where the city limits are, so that young people will know where it's illegal to possess or set off fireworks. The former Pace Chemical site was mentioned as a place where fireworks have been set off in the past and Robin suggested placing readerboard type signs there with notices detailing the illegality of doing so. Both the new traffic circle, west of State St., and a new raised crosswalk, east of State, will be installed this summer on 7th Ave. S. Also, the curb at the intersection of 7th and State has been painted to deter parking near the corner. Kari Page gave her report on the recent KAN meeting. She also mentioned that the organizers of the 4th of July celebration need volunteers to help with various tasks. Contact Penny Sweet of the 4th of July Committee if you can help. Her email address is [email protected]. Jim Lauinger, a member of the Kirkland Planning Commission, mentioned an upcoming meeting on how to develop the city economically. It will be a community wide economic summit led by both the Chamber and the City. The date is Monday, June 25th, 6-8 p.m. at the Senior Center. Trudy Goldkamp spoke about the new right-turn lane planned for NE 68th St. and State. She attended a community meeting at the Houghton Fire Station concerning the lane and found that many were opposed to the idea. The safety of school children trying to cross 68th with an additional lane is a concern. Trudy also mentioned that free right turns should be prohibited at the intersection for the safety of school kids and crossing guards. The issue of the lane will be addressed at an upcoming city council meeting. Recent developments have come to light concerning the former Pace Chemical site on 7th Ave S. Max Gurvich, the owner of the site, apparently has allowed his building permit to lapse and now there is a possibility of a new business similar to the old Pace operation renting the building. This would mean more truck traffic in the neighborhood. What we can do to minimize negative impacts and to buffer the area from residences will be investigated by John Alberti. Contacting the Kirkland Planning Department will be our first step and John will report back on the status of this issue. Our Moss Bay Neighborhood picnic will be held again this summer and needs to be organized. Laura Lee Pritt suggested we have it at Peter Kirk Park again this year and possibly coordinate with the new teen center to put it on. We discussed the possibility of having a banner made to identify us and possibly to display on a city street beforehand. Volunteers signed up for various tasks. State Street has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the City's "skinny streets program" . We briefly discussed this, with most in favor of the idea. Dave Asher, Kirkland City councilperson, was on hand to suggest that we have a contact person to deal with the city in trying to advance this idea. Don Winters volunteered to be this person and to contact Ray Steiger -- Kirkland's Public Works Capital Facilities manager. Trudy Goldkamp suggested that a rest room be provided at Brink Park. Kari Page said she would check on the feasibility of this, and Dave Asher suggested that Trudy write a letter to the City Council. Comments are closed.