Heritage Hall
Moss Bay Co-Chair Mark Eliasen called the meeting to order. Cindy Zech of the Kirkland Parks Board -- and Moss Bay's liaison to that group -- reported on park news. Phase II of Heritage Park development is getting under way. The tennis courts will be moved to the far end of the park and the current courts will be replaced with a parking lot for Heritage Hall. Cindy was asked about the stairs down to the waterfront pocket park on Lake Ave. W., and they won't be built until phase IV, which will be about 2009-10. At Marina Park, the docks are now being closely monitored to make sure boaters pay the moorage fee and don't overstay their welcome. The annual income from fees is about $60,000 at Marina and another $20,000 at the newer moorage dock at the end of Second Ave. S. Ellen Miller-Wolfe, Kirkland's Economic Development Manager, was our next guest. Ellen mentioned that the Totem Lake project plan will be submitted to design review in March with construction expected to start in late 2007 or early 2008. Kirkland now has a business retention program headed up by Duncan Malloy. There is a Kirkland Business Roundtable which promotes Kirkland as a good place to work and live. A Kirkland lifestyle video is being produced. Bruce Knowlton, of CamWest Development, updated us on plans for the Green Funeral Home and the Pace Chemical sites. They plan to submit an application to the city this spring for the Green site. The zoning allows 38 homes, but CamWest is planning to build 25 (including the remodeled Nettleton house). The houses will be 2,800 – 3,000 sq ft with 10 different unique plans and will all be designed with a strong “streetscape” facing State Street, 5th Ave S and 4th Ave. S. Because they will use an internal roadway, only 2 garages will be visible from the street. They plan to save some of the most significant trees. The Nettleton house will be moved to the SW corner and set back from State Street. Lots will be small and the project may be a "single family detached condominium". Construction will start in the summer of 2008. CamWest remains in contract to purchase the Pace five acre parcel on 7th Ave. S. Currently they are waiting for the seller to clean up the soils and ground water and get the site approved by the state of Washington, which still requires 4 quarters of clean tests. CamWest is willing to to close before the final state approval, provided they are satisfied that the clean up will be accomplished. CamWest also has a 3 house project on 6th St. S. near completion as well as several houses under construction on Kirkland Ave. Bob Sternoff, Kirkland City Council and Moss Bay resident, mentioned that there will be an important meeting on the Annexation Issue at the end of February and urged all to attend, as this is an important issue for the future of the city. For more info, visit the city annexation web page: http://www.ci.kirkland.wa.us/depart/CMO/Annexation_Information.htm Moss Bay's next meeting will be held March 19, 2007. Comments are closed.