Meeting Minutes
State Street/Central Neighborhood Association May 4, 2000 Kirkland Senior Center John Alberti called the meeting to order. The first to speak was Peter Maule, a volunteer with the city of Kirkland on endangered fish habitat. Peter explained how homeowners can help preserve salmon runs by using commercial car washes rather than washing in the street and causing detergent to enter the storm drains and our streams and lakes. Peter believes that publicity concerning the dangers of runoff to salmon runs will help as people adopt more environmentally safe practices. Peter can be emailed at [email protected] for further info. Ellen McMahon from SSCNA and Jeremy McMahon from the Kirkland Planning Dept. discussed the downtown strategic plan, which is under consideration. A timeline was presented showing the progress of the plan. Comments were solicited form SSCNA members as to how they would perceive a future downtown. Jim Hitter pointed out some pitfalls of this type of planning in that grandfathering by developers can preclude implementation. The concept of two “anchors” in Parkplace and the Lakefront with a corridor via Park Lane was envisioned. Traffic and possible narrowing of streets or other means of slowing it was discussed. The type of stores desirable in town also was mentioned. The sign for our neighborhood may be installed soon at the corner of 68th St. NE and State Street. The name on the sign will be “Central Neighborhood”, unless we petition the city for a different name. The matching grant program needs chairpersons from SSCNA. Any volunteers can call John Alberti at 822-5028. Also, we need someone to write a monthly article to appear in the Kirkland Courier. Dan Krehbiel updated us on the 4th of July celebration being planned in Kirkland and that some neighborhood associations are planning their picnics in conjunction. It was decided that SSCNA will approach Penny Sweet—the organizer—as to the possibility of setting up a booth. The land swap at Parkplace was discussed. Members in general were in favor if the city could negotiate the best value possible in the deal. Ellen McMahon will draft a letter to the city in support of the swap. The Pace Chemical (Ultra Corp) site has been the scene of “fight club” type activities and the police have been involved. Also a homeless person has been living in the area and the police have warned that he is possibly unstable. Ultra Corporation has submitted plans to the city planning department as a step towards getting permits. The next association meeting is scheduled for June 1rst at the Houghton Fire Station No. 22. Comments are closed.