Meeting Minutes
State Street/Central Neighborhood Association June 1, 2000 John Alberti called the meeting to order. Craig Salzman, Kirkland’s code enforcement officer explained what type of problems are addressed by Kirkland’s codes and what type fall outside it’s scope. There is also new volunteer mediation program that helps resolve problems between neighbors that aren’t covered by a specific code. The program has a 90% success rate and is provided free of charge. Call City Hall at 828-1100 or email Craig at [email protected] to find out more. City Council member Joyce Buchanan was out next guest. We brought out the SSCNA map and all present showed where they lived. Joyce lives on Tenth Ave S, so is in the SSCNA area. She explained how she unexpectedly won election last fall with a very minimal campaign. She has been forced to get up to speed on the issues quickly and has taken a special interest in neighborhood issues. Kari Page—Kirkland’s Neighborhood Services Coordinator—updated us on her work. She has finalized the grant work she has been working on for SSCNA. Dan Krehbiel updated us on the 4th of July picnic being planned for Marina Park. The pooling of neighborhood resources in running a food stand and having a common area for the various N/As is being proposed. We voted to buy a tent for SSCNA if necessary. Ellen McMahon, one of our members, discussed the downtown strategic plan which she has been working on as part of that commission. A new proposal for Marina Park has been proposed that would cover the parking lot and open up access to Park Lane through the old JC Penney (Dynamite) building. Ellen also presented the letter she drafted to Kirkland’s Park Dept. on behalf of SSCNA favoring the proposed land swap for Peter Kirk Park and Park Place. Members voted to support the swap at our last meeting in May. Dan Krehbiel updated up on the Pace Project. Ultra Corp. has submitted plans as part of the permitting process. Don Winters and Ellen McMahon volunteered to represent SSCNA with Kirkland Downtown on the Lake and to go to monthly meetings of that group. Our next association meeting will be August 3 at the Houghton Fire Station. Comments are closed.